Many diets today promise effective weight loss. How to choose a diet that really lead to better shape and will not hurt your health?
First, I must say that self-select a diet absolutely contraindicated for people suffering from obesity. Only dietitian, based on analysis, can compile such diet in which the weight would be reduced without affecting the health of the patient.
Therefore, the first thing to note is the number of calories in the foods. Everyone understands that the number of calories should be small and how much enough? 1000? 1500? 800? Is there some limit? This limit is different for everyone, and if you know the percentage of fat in your body, it is easy to determine.
The next thing you need to analyze in the selected diet, a number of its essential nutrients, i.e. proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Make sure that the amount of protein in the diet did not fall below 20-30 grams per day, because insufficient intake of protein will be accompanied by enhanced dissolution of proteins.
Another important indicator, the number of carbohydrates. It should be above 80 g per day. Lower values can cause the phenomenon of hypoglycemia.
Finally, would like to note that there are special therapeutic diets in which the amount of certain nutrients lower physiological minimum.